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Cryogen Roadmap 2021-2022

Joey Stubblefield

Q4 2021

CRYOSAFE will be introduced to the crypto world. UI/UIX & Security testing will be completed. marketing campaign will start around November 2021 to include HULU commercials targeted to our demographics.

Q4 2021

CRYOFLOW will be introduced to developers and project teams. Allowing their projects to stream-line & automate the influx of new wallet holders immensely. Saving time & money this service will be fee based to generate revenue for Cryogen.

Q4 2021

CRYPTOK a massive marketing campaign. Once tested & launched we will shift most of our marketing reserves temporarily to this iOS & Android mobile application. Bringing in some of the hottest crypto influencers and of course their followers.

Q1 2022

LISTINGS CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap and all the DEX's (Decentralized Exchanges) that accept Binance Smart Chain layer 2 cryptocurrencies will be added to Cryogens online presence. These will actually start in Q4 2021 but some application processes, volume metrics & liquidity requirements will need to be met first before applying. As we meet them they will be added as quickly as possible.